Sunday, March 25, 2012

miss Celia's miscarriage

Around page 451 miss Celia has a miscarriage. When i read this part in the book i felt for miss Celia, because wanting a baby to a women is a strong feeling you cant get rid of (at least i think so). With someone having  a miscarriage they would be aware of  knowing that the dream they have pictured in there head, has just disappeared. Miss Celia says that not moving helps her keep her babies and to me i think that she should get a new plan because the one she has made up is absolutely not working. She has had more than one miscarriage and she always tries to hide it from her husband. She tried to hide this one from minny , but minny discovers her in the bathroom with her dead baby all bloody trying to deliver it herself. For miss Celia it must have been a dramatic experience but then again maybe not it could have been a repeat to her because she knows what to do. I think that minny actually cared for her in a moment, because i think she must have felt her pain in loosing a kid. Remembered that minny has kids herself and imaging herself loosing one of her kids i dont she  bare the thought. The way they explained the seen of her loosing the baby and the way they described the blood makes me remember back, when my best friend fell of the picnic bench doing flips,slipped  and broke his jaw. the image of the bloody jaw came all rushing into my head the way the blood flowed and splattered, the way i stood their and did nothing but being disgusted by the blood. this part in the book moved me the most because it was a reminder of the experience i had seen.

miss Celia

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