Friday, March 30, 2012


minny told miss celia about the pie an i think that it take's a good woman to do that even though the reason she did it was absolutely foolish and foul. So of coarse you know that i like the fact that she is telling her about what she did at that moment reading into the book i was thinking that these women have grown over there diffrences and now like each other or minny has grown to like miss celia. either way you put it minny must now trust miss celia enough to tell her what she has done. i think minny truly like's and trust her now becuase Ms. Celia has protected her from the crazy "naked" white man knowing that no one would help her because she is a black maid. the relationship may cover or it may not becuase of this secret, that minny has been keeping from her or even from the fact that she did it.

 minny and pie

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