Friday, March 30, 2012

civil rights movement

The person that i interviewed about the civil rights movement was the AP english  teacher in my school, Dr. Leslie Edwards when the civil rights movement was going on dr. edwards 13 year of age when it  affected her life. at 13 years old dr. edwards was in the NAACP, where they had  kids 14 and younger  involved in sit-in, of coarse she was arrested, but because the cop knew who she was she was let go. her parents were strict and they told her and her siblings to never ride the bus because of where they ha to sit, she described to me how she used the bathroom before she went anywhere, because they didnt like the bathroom conditions or even sometimes  there  was no bathrooms for colerd people to use. she lived in Gangsvell,Florida, which was a small town with dusty dirt roads and little schools, what i found fascinating  was when she said that it wasnt that  bad being seperated from  others, she  said  it was like having your own town they had their own stores resaraunts and movie theaters  . her homelife was different  than most blacks  during  this  time her father was the only black dentist  there was and her mother was a schoolteacher  who in her finding jobs she expierenced racism  and sexist people. i wanted  to interview  2 different  kinds  of sex and race but i couldn't  find the other  but i guess one will do!

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