Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Charcters

The Help is a good book so far i am learing about diffrent charcters every page of the book. The charcters so far consist of Aibleen(the help who lost her son in a bad accident and reminisce about him all the time) Mae Mobley(the baby of miss leefolt and being taken care of by "the help") the last charcter is Miss Leefolt(the mother of mae mobley that doesnt know how to raise her own kid and is not rich but like things fancy) this book is already so intreging enough it draws me in to want to read more.

Friday, February 17, 2012

the prediction

the help by Kathryn stockett
444 pages 
"the prediction"

I am very anxious about reading this book hearing that the movie was incredibly well directed and produced. this is a book about the civil war movement and reflecting on about what i now about  the civil war then it might be something about  the African american women suffrage. During the civil rights movement i think women had a worse time and i think this book reflects on women of the African american descent, and how they had to get through things. I think that me reading this book would help enhance my knowledge of the woman's suffrage and what they had to adore. I am very ecstatic about reading this book and learning about new things i never learned about.